Letchworth State Park
May 12, 2007
There was a bit of panic when it was learned that the original starting
point would be closed due to a road washout. However course setter Pavel
Korniliev had already revised his courses to start from the Parade Grounds area.
Everyone who came received their money's worth. The courses were a little longer
than typical. The weather was perfect for orienteering. Meet director, Rob
Holmes, made sure everything ran smoothly and helped with other jobs as needed.
Carol Moran served as Greeter and Linda Kohn provided instruction to first
timers. Registration was covered by Joel Shore and Vince Cassano with help from
Carol Moran and Rob Holmes. Bob Bundy and Rob Holmes handled start/finish
with assistance from Dick Detwiler and Karl Kolva. Snacks were provided by
super volunteer coordinator, Sandra Lomker. Results compiled by Bob Bundy.
White Course 2K
1. Carol Moran 31:02
2. Jim and Patty Borden 45:48
3. Karen Condello, Jordan McGuin 46:08
Leah McGuin
4. Sheila Graves and Keith 48:00
5. Richard and Will Burgin 81:02
Yellow course - 4K
1. Jim Pamper 38:48
2. Bob Bundy 51:05
3. Michael Meynadasy 57:04
4. Zach Lyons 60:13
5. Jeff Radzyminski 63:35
6. Rachel Tylock 66:48
7. Colin Lemen, Sandi Willsey-Lemen 66:58
8. Vasily Kuksenkov, 67:33
Ekaterina Kuksenkova
9. Karl Kolva 72:50
10. Kirk, Amy, and Nicholas Jacoby 100:06
11. Sandra Lomker 101:06
12. Lisa Abbott, Leslie Intemann 114:00
13. The "Holmes" Group 122:10
Danica Pecivalova,
Nicholas Cuedrado,
Simon and Jack Cuedrado,
Martha and Robert Holmes,
Kameron Holmes, Tyler and Bryn,
Deborah Verant
14. Laurie Collinsworth, 155:30
Nathan and Hannah Collinsworth
15. Chelsea Lyons DNF
Green Course - 7K
1. Nate Lyons 93:38
2. Dick Detwiler 99:36
3. Mike Lance 110:06
4. Linda Kohn 111:40
5. Rick Slattery 120:12
6. Walt Lyons 124:05
7. Lindsay Worner, Amy Aloe 129:46
8. Doug Brooks 131:37
9. Jackie Novkov 134:58
10. Doug Kennedy 137:00
11. Maria Tikhomirova 138:43
12. Dayle Lavine 141:41
13. Carl and Reid Palmer 143:01
14. Rick Lavine 147:56
15. Dmitry Sizov 164:00
16. Joseph Seyfried 167:08
17. Lincoln Blaisdell 181:52
18. Tom Cornell and Joe Shonk 239:00
19. Rob Holmes DNF
20. Kathy Bannister DNF
21. Ian Gilbert DNF
22. Laurie Hunt DNF
Red Course 9.3K
1. Mike Lyons 105:39
2. Steve Tylock 116:12
3. Mitch Collinsworth 122:50
4. Vince Cassano 138:45
5. Joel Shore 166:20
6. Chad and Zak Borden 176:00
7. Gregory Hyatt 177:56
8. Mike Allen DNF