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September 15, 2007. NOD at Highland Park.
National Orienteering Day at Highland Park
September 15, 2007

The forecast included rain, but the weather in the morning was fine. The first rain started about the same time as the first orienteer, and continued off and on through the afternoon. Registration, run by Richard and Nancy Burgey, Steve Tylock, and Carol Moran, was warm and dry inside the Recreation Center, and the start table, with Dick Detwiler, Anne Schwartz and Victor Klassen was at least dry, under Carol's tent. Sandi Willsey-Lemen provided snacks.

In spite of lack of publicity and chancy weather, we had quite a few newcomers on white. The sprint had some fast runners. Several of these will taking part in the sprint championships next week in Connecticut, and fielding ROC relay teams. Some of these sprinters also did the yellow (I call them ringers below.) White and yellow courses were set by Dayle Lavine, sprint by Rick Lavine. Will Hawkins picked up controls and dropped them at my house in less time than it took me to drive there.

Rick Lavine, meet director


White:  1.3 km. 11 controls

Gil Robs (unofficial)                            8:45
1. Beth Jackson                                 14:19
2. Justin Voldman                               14:30
3. Don Winslow                                  15:21
4. Steve & Melissa Tylock                       16:57
5. Tom & Miranda Higgins                        22:47
6. Nancy & Richard Burgey                       25:56
7. Tyler Bryn & Kameron Holmes, 
               Alex Angelone                    27:51
8. Jeff & Lauren Chester                        28:26
9. Kent, Paige & Seth Palmer                    29:55
10. Rob, Katya, Kayla & Mina Stevens            31:56
11. Tracy & Robert Smith                        34:53
12. Hank & Lea Theuer                           35:04
13. Sandra, Bob, Ryan & David Murphy            35:48
14. Jessica Van Troost, Amy Ippolito,
              & Daniel Giustino                 45:58                         
15. Debbie, Carina & Cuyler Hastings,
         Kay Baire, Deena Kingston              50:10 
16. Mike, Erin & K(?) Lally                     58:33
17. Alison & Meghan Elder                       63:48
18. Sarah McGraw                                70:12
19. Edwina Buehler                              79:27

Yellow: 2.7 km, 16 controls


1. Gil Robs                                     18:01
2. Randall McGarvey                             18:08
3. Ansis Robs                                   23:27
4. Victor Klassen                               24:08
5. Michael Meynadsay, Rob Chamberlin            24:33


1. Zack Armstrong                               30:05
2. Steve & Melissa Tylock                       34:57
3. Richard Burgey                               35:25
4. The Betas                                    35:34
       Matthew Woyak, Courtney Thuse,
       Jason Mulagan & Zackary Laughory(?)
5. Frank, Linda & Rachel Armstrong              48:50
6. Sandi Willsey-Lemen                          49:30
7. Al Abondonado, Catie Jeffords                55:16 
8.  Michael Hirsch                              56:36
9. John & Linda Nusz                            62:07
10. Troop 321 group 1                           71:22
         Bryan Lurz, Ciaran Bowen, Sam Kohl,
         Brian & Rick Hoffarth, Mike Allen,
         Charles Russell
11. Troop 321 group3                            74:40
        Rich Hoffarth, Julie & Colin Bowen  
12. Carol Moran                                 85:34
13. Troop 321 group 2                           90:35
         Riley Wehr, David Maurer, Andy Seidman,
         Jeffrey Long, Tommy Curen, 
         Jonathan & Collin Van Bork

Sprint 3.0 km. 16 controls


1. William Hawkins                              16:21
2. Gil Robs                                     17:36
3. Nate Lyons                                   18:17 
4. Rob Holmes                                   18:47
5. Mike Lyons                                   18:41
6. Erko Ounapuu                                 20:37
7. Rob Stevens                                  20:46                      
8. Ansis Robs                                   23:02
9. Vince Cassano                                23:25
10. Steve Tylock                                23:33
11. Michael Meynadasey & Rob Chamberlin         26:32
12. Randall McGarvey                            26:42
13. Victor Klassen                              33:04
14. The Betas                                   35:08
       Matthew Woyak, Courtney Thuse,
	   Jason Mulagan & Zackary Laughory(?)
15.Sue Klassen                                  35:52
16. Al Abondonado                               36:17
17. Chelsea Lyons                               37:16
18. Hugh Lambert                                39:49
19. Sylvia Klassen                              44:16
20. Donna Burke, Larry Hoffman, Lisa Abbott     49:24  
21. Mike Yunker                                 58:34
22. Lara & Jeff Haage                           88:57

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