About the Club
The Rochester Orienteering Club holds meets at local parks approximately every
other week during the spring, summer and fall.
At Local Meets you are provided with a park map marked with your course produced specially by the club for orienteering. A family, hiking a course as a group, may only need a single map. It isn't necessary to use a compass on beginner courses, but compasses may be borrowed from the club, if you want to practice. Instruction and beginner courses are available at all meets and most meets include "String-O".
The club also maintains permanent courses which you and your family can explore
at your leisure in Webster, Durand Eastman, Mendon Ponds, and Letchworth. Permanent course
kits, as well as maps of other parks, are available at some local retailers like
The Map Shop in Pittsford or directly from the club.
For information about joining the ROC contact:
Rochester Orienteering Club E-mail: contact@roc.us.orienteering.org
Helpline: (585)310-4762
Ready to join? Membership application is
here. You can also join online with the link on the side navigation.
E-mail Distribution List
The Rochester Orienteering Club maintains an e-mail distribution list to
all of its members who wish to be on this list, as well as to any non-members
who are interested in receiving messages such as reminders of upcoming meets,
any last-minute changes in meets, results, and anything else of interest to the
Rochester-area orienteering community. You can subscribe to this list using
our self service form.
Club Officials