Would you and your friends or family members enjoy spending
a Saturday afternoon searching the city for locations that have
some interesting facts or trivia?
Teams and individual hikers, cyclists and runners will
receive detailed maps of a large portion of the city of
Rochester including the South Wedge, Cobbs Hill Park,
Highland Park, Downtown, the Park/East Avenue area, and the
Neighborhood of the Arts. The maps will have circles drawn
on them indicating the exact locations of the checkpoints.
At each checkpoint marked on the map, participants will have
a question which can readily be answered by information visible.
Questions from past years have included signs commemorating
historical events or people, dates on Church cornerstones, and
interesting works of art.
*** There is a 200 participant cap for the race ***
Race Start:
11:00 AM
Registration Open:
09:30 AM
Enter on Bike or on Foot with 3 Hour or 5 Hour time limit.
Registration deadline for best price May 15th 6pm
After initial deadline there will be an additional fee
(see Active.com registration information)
Individual $16
Additional team members $8
Individual $20
Additional team members $10
13-20 years $6 each
12 and under free
Day of meet (if there are openings)
Member $26
Additional team members $12
Non-member $30
Additional team members $14