Score-O and Sprint at Genesee Valley Park
August 2, 2008
A very comfortable day for early August greeted the nice turnout.
Rob Holms served as meet director while Gil Robs set the courses.
Paul Schwartz was the offical greeter and photographer.
The main registration was handled by Sandi Willsey-Lemen,
Nancy & Richard Burgey, and Steve Tylock. Gil manned the
Start / Finish line with help from Paul Schwartz and Tom Cornell.
Sandra Lomker brought food and snacks. Rob Holms brought the grill
and grilled hot dogs. Flag pickup was handled by Mike Meynadasy
and Victor, Sue, and Sylvia Klassen. This report by Bob Bundy.
And as usual, thanks to Sandra Lomker for coordinating the
volunteers who make our meets possible.
Gil set a very tempting Score-O course. He tempted several
of us to go for 2 or 3 "more" controls.
Mike and Nate Lyons led the charge in both the Score-O and the Sprint.
SCORE-O - 16 Controls - 1 Point Each - Minus 1 each minute
Place Name Controls/Score Time
1. Mike Lyons 16 45:07
2. Nate Lyons 16 46:27
3. Steve Tylock 16 56:50
4. Dan Field 15 53:35
5. Tyler Borden 15 57:28
6. Mike Meynadasy 14 50:35
7. Stina Bridgeman 13 52:24
8. Brian Berg 13 58:12
9. Paul Hutkowski 12 58:30
10.Sylvia Klassen 12 59:15
11.Brigid Lyons-Maloney 11 41:55
12.Chelsea Lyons 11 48:29
13.Zach Lyons 11 48:30
14.Richard Burgey 10 34:20
15.Paul Schwartz 10 53:32
16.Bob Bundy 10 (14-4) 1:04:00
17.Elspeth Romandes
Erik Pich 10 (16-6) 1:05:52
18.Tom Cornell 9 46:47
19.Sandra Lomker 9 52:52
20.Vince & Shannon Luongo 9 (12-3) 1:02:06
21.Carl, Reid, Jonesy Palmer 8 (13-5) 1:04:40
22.Sue Klassen 8 (15-7) 1:06:59
23.Vince Cassano 8 (16-8) 1:07:04
24.Walt Lyons 7 (15-8) 1:07:17
25.April Miller 6 53:11
26.Victor Klassen 6 (13-7) 1:06:45
27.Nancy Burgey 0 1:14:47
28.Chris Widmaier 0 1:34:20
1. Nate Lyons 16:12
2. Mike Lyons 18:46
3. Rob Holms 19:19
4. Todd Sheehan 20:24
5. Tyler Borden 20:40
6. Steve Tylock 21:32
7. Clelsea Lyons 21:59
8. Carl Palmer 23:48
9. Bridget Lyons-Maloney 25:35
10.Stina Bridgeman 28:11
11.Victor Klassen 28:17
12.Zack Lyons 29:29
13.Paul Hutkowski 30:39
14.Sylvia Klassen 31:29
15.Sandi Wilsey-Lemen 34:29
16.Sue Klassen 43:00
WHITE Course
1. Don Winslow 31:00
2. John Nusz 33:16
3. Carol Moran 38.59
4. Patty Borden 52:02
5. Todd & Jean Sheehan
Trevor Sheehan, Matt Kemp,
Meghan Sheehan, Emily Raxaniello 55:20
6. Lon McClure 56:20
7. Edwina Buehler 57:01
8. Davin and Cal Oak Reddington,
Dan and Aidan Delehanty 59:55
9. Luke Lyons 60:01
10. Linda Keefe 61:05
11. Roger Keeney 80:10
12. Frances Nardia, Ishai Nardia,
Sammy Dohen dnf