Annual Meeting & Scrooge-O
December 6, 2008
There was a great turnout for the annual meeting and Scrooge-O held at Girl
Scout's Camp Piperwood in Victor. In all, over 50 participants enjoyed a
delicious pot-luck dinner. The highlight of the evening was the announcement
of an award honoring Mary and Karl Kolva for their contributions to ROC.
The award will be given annually in their names to an outstanding ROC junior.
Mary and Karl were presented with a plaque.
The Scrooge-O was, as usual, wild and crazy with lots of people sneaking
around trying to avoid the Scooges…only a few were successful. Steve and
Melissa Tylock were able to avoid the dreaded Scrooges and along with Nate
Lyons found all the controls and were awarded first place. See the list
below for all the results.
The following were left holding the flashlight and have become the Scrooges for the year:
Don & Drew Winslow
Noelle & Katja Meyer
Amy Holcomb & Andrzej Lubaszka
Vince Cassano
Pts. Name
24 Steve & Melissa Tylock
24 Nate Lyons
23 Carter Stritch
21 Jan Gilbert & Dana Gretton
21 Joe Seifried
20 Carly Bean, Max House, Ian Stead
19 Joel Shore
18 Laurie Hunt
18 Dick & Cheryl Detwiler
18 John Lam
17 Citizen Kepler
15 Marie Heerkens
14 Stina Bridgeman
14 Rob Stevens
13 Pat Welch & family
12 Bob Bundy
12 Mike Lyons
10 Tim, Tatyana & Sergey Dobretsov
10 Rob Holmes & family
6 Zach & Luke Lyons
majorly overtime :^( …but had a great time :^) Georg & Eleanor Nadorff
Many thanks to all who brought food…it was a gourmet delight!
Thanks also to the following volunteers who helped everything run smoothly:
Meet Director - Rick Worner
Course setter/mapper - Linda Kohn
Registration - Sandra Lomker, Carol Moran
Control pickup - Stina Bridgeman, Linda Kohn
Dinner set-up/clean-up - Karl Kolva, Mary Kolva, Sandra Lomker, Tom Cornell.
Many others who contributed but my memory excapes me…thank you!
Finally to our Board of Directors for their work to keep the club moving forward,
Mike Lyons for conducting the annual meeting and especially to the Girl Scouts
of Western NY for granting us the use of Camp Piperwood.