Badgerow Park.
April 17, 2002
Second event of the season celebrated brand new map created by Linda Kohn. Despite the small size of the park, thick vegetation and large number of trails made the courses quite
challenging to ensure satisfaction of 125 orienteers who came to Greece on a nice and sunny day. Many of the participants were able to complete more than one course, some did all four courses. We
also think that we have in place a new, streamlined registration system that we hope will get people out quicker.
Meet director: Rick Worner
Map maker and course setter: Linda Kohn
Map printer: Jim Russell
Registration: Carol Moran, Elaine Berner, Kathy Reich
Control pickup: Lora Semple, Toni Lantz, Chris Seoud-McKee, Chris Semple, Teri Dahrone, Rick Lavine, Dayle Lavine.
Start/Finish: Jim Tappon, Rick Lavine, Jim Lavine, Dick Detwiler.
Refreshments: Dayle Lavine
White #1 - 1.4 km
1. Sergey Dobretsov -- exhibition 10:16
2. Kevin Brazee, Nick Greco 22:35
3. Bob Bradley 24:34
4. Stephen Rodman, Ryan Cornwell,
Matt Mahan 27:49
5. Jim Boggs 28:31
6. Mark & Jordan Tinkler 30:27
7. Penni Orlando, Kell, Colla, Liam 31:34
8. Lynn & Mark Sidey 34:20
9. Cade Family 42:18
10. Chris & Amy Villone 47:18
11. Pat, John, Charlie Sommer 47:52
12. Jeff Nunes, Jean Kouse 50:50
13. Tom & Riley Blasiak 56:50
14. Chris & Lora Semple, Toni Lantz,
Teri Darrohn 60:02
White #2 - 1.4 km
1. Sergey Dobretsov -- ehibition 9:24
2. Irina Kaliniouk 24:45
3. Jeff Nunes, Jean Kouse 37:27
4. Shawna Gareau-Kurtz, Trisha Kaufman,
David Buzzella 58:40
5. Elizabeth Monczka DNS
Yellow #1 - 1.5 km
1. Richard MacLaren 12:12
2. Sergey Dobretsov 12:51
3. Pavel Korniliev 16:55
4. Dick Detwiler 18:29
5. Bob Bundy 20:42
6. Daniel Burge 21:14
7. Rick Slattery 22:06
8. Mentor Murphy 24:22
9. Paul & Sharyl Stumpf 25:02
10. Tammy MacLaren, Beverly Rose 25:08
11. Mike Allen 28:14
12. David Cornell 30:52
13. Brandon Vic 31:32
14. Mary Mitchell,Ron VonPerlstein 31:32
15. Jim Lavine 31:40
16. Frank Armstrong 32:09
17. Jim boggs 32:35
18. Morris/Collier 33:06
19. Tina Bray 37:11
20. Mathew & Lyle Evon 37:12
21. Baker Family 37:12
22. Bob Bradley 37:55
23. Dave ∓ Jared Tegler 38:12
24. Mark ∓ Lynne Sidey 38:28
25. Penni Orlando,Kell,Colla,Liam 41:54
26. Eric Hochreiter 42:26
27. Carol Moran 42:35
28. Cheryl Detwiler 43:40
29. Michael Camp 44:52
30. Lyn ∓ David Dodd 46:46
31. Blan Family 56:37
32. Pat ∓ Steven Russell 56:42
33. Michael Yunker 58:48
34. Dave Harrold, Amanda Taylor 80:28
35. Michaeljon Blue, Lee Doohan 80:42
36. Mike Andre, Patrick Opladen 94:24
Yellow #2 - 1.5 km
1. Pavel Korniliev 11:42
2. Sergey Dobretsov 12:35
3. Dick Detwiler 14:48
4. Rich MacLaren 16:35
5. Mike Allen 18:14
6. Bob Bundy 18:53
7. Mentor Murphy 19:11
8. Rick Slattery 20:26
9. Doug Brooks 20:55
10. Daniel Burge 21:00
11. David & Anita Cornell 23:55
12. Frank, Mark, Zachary Armstrong 24:33
13. Larry Colquitt 25:27
14. Lyn & David Dodd 28:58
15. Jim Lavine 29:06
16. Jack & Tom Wallenhorst 30:09
17. Michael & Marsha Camp 31:53
18. Bruce & Sharon Herendeen 33:52
19. Kiran Hegde 35:24
20. Mary Mitchell,Ron von Perlstein 35:56
21. Ted, Rudy, Eric Sakshaug 36:52
22. David & Jared Tegler 38:19
23. Janet Nugent 38:10
24. Mary Joan Noce,
Anne Marie Krahling 38:37
25. Emory Morris, Susan Collier 40:33
26. Pat & Steven Russell 40:35
27. Jeff Nunes, Jean Kouse 44:20
28. Divya Beven 55:13
29. Ron Salladin, Michaela Arenius 57:53
30. Jim & Jessica Andre 60:55
31. Chuck Rogers 61:10
32. John Kowalczyk, Jennifer Cumbo 65:13
33. Laurie Salladin, Steve Arenius 75:06