Letchworth State Park
June 15, 2002
"Neither rain, nor snow, nor ...." Well we didn't have the snow, but we surely
had the rain, and thunder, and lightening, and even some sunshine came along to
brighten things up.
The skills workshop started the morning under threatening skies and occasional
drizzle. About 20 people came out to participate in the map reading, pacing and
compass clinics put on by Kathy Bannister & Jim Tappon. Later they had a chance
to participate in a Line-0 and a Memory-0 designed by Rick Lavine and Kathy Bannister.
Later we had 49 starters - mostly on the longer and advanced courses. The weather and
first e-punching likely had something to do with that.
Starters on courses: White - 4, Yellow - 8, Orange - 12, Green - 11, Red - 15.
Dayle set courses on the long side to let everyone get warmed up for the Rogaine
next weekend. Given the rain and wet ground, most of us felt that it was a good
thing that *most* of the course was actually flat. Of course, that meant that
the 180-200 m of climb on Green and Red came all at once (well actually twice
but it sounds better and makes a better story all at once!). The most fun of
course was coming DOWN the hills in the rain. The hills at Letchworth have a
fine silt soil that has the traction of wet ice in the rain! And when the rain
came - it really came. Very heavy downpours and an occasional burst of thunder
got everyone's attention. The one that turned off the PC tracking results really
got the attention of those running the start/finish!! Fortunately, (barely) enough
backup was in place to recover the results for the non e-punching crowd.
Everyone survived and made it back to the finish. Ravi tried to loose a shoe
(yes Ravi, the marsh was mapped and just because it looks green doesn't mean
it isn't MUD) but managed to find it and still finish with a respectable time.
E-punching drew a number of visitors to the meet. CSU was represented by Ross
Sith and Suzanne Armstrong. Ross ran an exceptional time on the Red course,
but had his finger covering a control, so he ran past #10 - ran only about 20 m
away from it!! Oh well, it means that Suzanne DID beat him today, and took second
overall on Red. AOK sent us Scott Pleban and Michelle Barnes, and both took a
first place, Scott on Red and Michelle on Orange, and took part in most of the
skills workshop exercises as well.
Buffalo was represented by Jackie Novkov, Lincoln Blaisdell and Gary Maslanka
who faired well in their races. For a first try, e-punching was rather successful.
No major problems (some minor ones), and the electronic timing of the manual
punching runners showed promise (although the power glitch prevented using it
for results generation).
Course Setter: Dayle Lavine
White 2.5 km
Place Name Time
1 Matt Frame & Mike Carnahan 42:12
2 Jennifer Cumbo & John Kowalczyk 42:53
3 Vikram Vijay & Alex Jospe 48:18
4 Andrew Turnquist & Kevin Brayton 51:36
Yellow 2.75 km
Place Name Time
1 Paul Navik 32:14
2 Jenna Colquitt 37:58
3 Kerstin Gunter 39:55
4 Susan Davis 44:00
5 John Kowalczyk& Jennifer Cumbo 1:13:00
6 Lee Doohan 1:26:00
7 Jennifer Strohmeyer &Zag & Amanda DNF
8 Vikram Vijay DNF
Orange 3.1 km
Place Name Time
1 Michelle Barnes 49:20
2 Daniel Burge 1:04:09
3 Lincoln Blaisdell 1:24:32
4 Bob Williams, Barbara Crole,
Stephan Wolford, Debra Wolford 1:24:59
5 Mark Haydanek, Sara Haydanek 1:28:54
6 Chad Putnam 1:35:00
7 Susan Davis 1:36:00
8 Penni Orlando , Liam & Ruari 1:48:41
9 Colla Orlando 1:49:34
10 Kell Orlando 1:50:34
11 Rob Phipps, Jonathan Phipps 3:00:06
12 N. Bielmeier, Douglas Bielmeier, Christie
Bielmeier, Suzanne Bielmeier 3:23:00
Green 6.5 km
Place Name Time
1 Doug Brooks 1:43:12
2 Rick Slattery 1:46:39
3 Jackie Novkov 1:48:26
4 Jim Russell 1:49:55
5 Eric Barbehenn 1:50:31
6 Rob Grant, Tony Messana,
Jeremy Deming 1:57:06
7 Ravi Nareppa 2:07:51
8 Larry Colquitt 2:14:50
9 Bob Bundy 2:16:51
10 Archana Hedge, Kiran Hegde 2:40:35
11 Parette Barella DSQ
Red 7.5 km
Place Name Time
1 Scott Pleban 1:01:18
2 Suzanne Armstrong 1:14:01
3 Sergey Dobretsov 1:19:17
4 Pavel Korniliev 1:20:08
5 Chris Colquitt 1:26:24
6 Jim Tappon 1:46:47
7 John Lam 1:55:54
9 Alex Jospe 2:12:59
10 Joel Shore 2:19:27
11 Ken Masker 2:27:51
12 Shawn Gardner, Darwin Gardner 3:12:49
13 Jack Wallenhorst 3:32:40
14 Ross Smith DSQ
15 Gary Maslanka DSQ