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     Meet Entry
October 26, 2002. Irondequoit Bay East.
Irondequoit Bay East
October 26, 2002

"The meet that almost wasn't"…" Somehow this seems an appropriate description for the recent event at Irondequoit Bay Park East.

To begin with, this meet was a relatively late substitution for another location (and date!), so it never made the printed schedules.

Next, our intrepid course setter (Karl Kolva) found an "unmapped reentrant" (or a hole in the ground!!) that caught him by surprise -and unfortunately led to a very sore knee. Since this happened while setting out the controls the morning of the meet, and since he clearly could not cover the ground with this injury, the meet could easily have run into some serious operational challenges (like how do we run a course with no flags?)

Finally, the autumn weather decided to make an appearance. Temperatures in the 40s with strong winds greated those hearty (or foolhearty?) enough to brave the weather and the terrain for a challenging afternoon in the woods.

In spite of the challenges in getting the meet organized, Karl offered us some interesting challenges with his Random-O format.

(For those who missed the opportunity, Random-O courses are ones where the order of the controls is not defined; you pick what order to do them in. (Somewhat similar to score-O, but unlike score-O, you need to hit every control.)

Even though we had the opportunity to choose our routes, somehow Bay Park ALWAYS presents you with a steep hill when you are absolutely sure you cannot climb another foot!

But the woods were nice and the day was reasonably warm (once you climbed those first two or three hills!). And even though #7 on the Long Random wasn't quite where it was "supposed" to be (we didn't penalize those who didn't get it!! other than the time spent looking), it was quite an enjoyable afternoon.

Special thanks go to Linda Kohn and Dick Detwiler for coming to Karl's aid on such short notice and also to Rick Lavine for his added help in putting out the control flags. Karl feels that his injured knee would have prevented him from getting the flags placed in time. So those three kept the meet from becoming a disaster! All of us benefited from their willing cooperation. Thanks go to the staff of very willing meet workers who stayed out in the cold running registration (Kay Sheehan, Kathy Bannister, David Briden, Anne Schwartz, Kevin O'Brien) and running clinics (Linda Kohn) and start/finish (Larry Zygo and Rick Worner) and general setup and making things go well (Rick Lavine). Thanks also to Pat Russell for organizing and typing in the resutls. I'm sure I've overlooked someone - if I have, thanks to you (and let me know so I can get it right in the future!!)

1. Todd & Zachary Obbie                  0:20:00
2. Munro family: James F, Kelly, 
   James P, Rebecca                      0:25:00
3. Moran, Carol                          0:30:50
4. Gallagher:Michael,Joseph & Angela     0:33:40
5. Sheehan:Todd,Meghan,Jean & Trevor     0:35:00
6. Laura Civiletti,Emma Diehl & 
   Laura Sankey                          0:36:40
7. DeBarr family: Jeff, Audri, 
   Kelly, Katie                          0:37:00
8. John Diehl, Sara Langfiat & 
   Flana Meeker                          0:37:30
9. "Bears": William Guchare, Kevin Shanely,
  Greg Nassimos                          0:38:30
10.Fredericks: Kevin & Susan             0:43:41
11.Debbie Shanley, Molly Ford, 
   Bobby Hauf & Alex Nassimos            0:43:45
12.Tom Blasiak & Riley Bray              0:44:30
13.Briden: David & Judi                  0:48:45
14.Amber Keshishian, Theresa Civiletti & 
  Emily Doyle                            0:49:00
15.Hill family: Robert, Debra, Alyssa, 
  Brianna, Jake                          0:50:30
16.Watrobski: Tom & Hannah               0:51:00
17.Sakshaug: Eric & Rudy                 0:53:50
18.Gordon, Fred                          0:53:54
19.Emilie Langfitt, Abby Rulison & 
   Alexa Campbell                        0:59:30
20. Burge family: Daniel, Janine, 
   Daria, Stephanie                      1:02:05
21.Lauren Jorgensen & 
   Stephanie Langstan                    1:06:00
22.Carol Eisenman, Zoe Bolne & 
   Katherine Nace                        1:12:12
23.Cort Frey, Crystal Lopez, Veronica Bazan, 
   Mark Frey                             2:32:55

1. Sheehan, Kay                          0:26:24
2. Curry: Jim & Michael                  0:30:56
3. Steve Bagdonavicius, Erik Bagdonavicius, 
   Nick Ford                             0:31:17
4. Larry Barrone & Kathleen Kennel       0:39:00
5. David Ford, Geoffry Nassimos, 
   Jonathan Shanley                      0:39:08
6. Barbehenn, Herb & Kathleen            0:46:00
7. Billy Finan & Owen Rury               0:47:35
8. Lisa & Chelle Bryan                   0:54:00
9. Camera, Christine                     0:58:33

Short Random-O        
1. Bray, Tina                            0:50:20
2. Barella, Perette                      0:52:20
3. Blaisdell, Lincoln                    0:56:40
4. O'Brien, Kevin                        1:00:00
5. Mary Hudson & Kim Phillips            1:00:41
6. Sakshaug, Ted                         1:00:50
7. Klassen: Susan & Sylvia               1:08:25
8. Mudrak, Erika                         1:08:28
9. Salladin, Ron                         1:13:39
10.Philipps, Rob                         1:19:50
11.Larry Barrone & Kathleen Kennel       1:20:33
12.Ekaterina Kuksenkova & 
   Arina Kornilieva                      1:21:56
13.Armstrong: Frank, Mark & Zack         1:22:20
14.Salladin, Laurie                      1:24:40
15.Lavine, Jim                           1:25:21
16.Mitchel Hansinger & Carla Royle       1:40:08
17.Bob Williams,Barbara Erdle, Sue Frederekson, 
Barb Marsh, Pat Cohen, Anne Jurgens      1:42:05
18.Russell: Steven & Pat                 1:49:16
19.Troop 7: Peter Sudlick, Christopher Lesnick, 
Melinda Young, Joshua Young, Andy Maskiell, 
Chuck Maskiell                           2:19:06
20.Todd & Zachary Obbie                    DNF
21.Doohan, Lee                             DNF

Long Random-O
1. Dobretsov, Sergei                     1:00:54
2. Korniliev, Pavel                      1:05:28
3. Detwiler, Dick                        1:15:20
4. Kildal-Brandt, Paul                   1:22:54
5. Lavine, Rick                          1:32:54
6. Russell, Jim                          1:37:19
7. Phillips, Eric                        1:40:32
8. Lavine, Dayle                         1:44:36
9. Victor Klassen, Nathan Klassen & 
   Ben Price                             1:46:16
10.Bundy: Bob & Ben                      1:51:00
11.Paul & Rolph Duerr                    1:51:50
12.Nareppa, Ravi                         1:55:00
13.Barbehenn, Eric                       1:55:22
14.Hall, Andrew                          1:55:48
15.Schwartz, Anne                        1:56:16
16.Novkova, Jackie                       2:01:07
17.Adams, Rosie                          2:07:00
18.Lambert, Hugh                         2:11:10
19.Finear: Jack & Hazel                  2:29:36
20.Roberts, Lisa                         2:30:26
21.Wallenhorst: Jack & Tom               2:35:36
22.Slattery, Rick                        2:39:08
23.Louise Cook & Yarko Pryjnak             DNF
24.Arnold Gisson, Michael Yunker           DNF

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