Night-O, Mendon Ponds Park
November 1, 2003
This past Saturday night, 60 people ventured out to Mendon Ponds Park to try
night orienteering. White and Yellow courses (the exact same courses used for
the A-meet except for slight changes in the start and finish locations) were
used. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and no one was out until all hours
of the night!!
Many of the participants suggested that we should have more night-O's -
I said that I thought that we should have one a year, but others replied
that two or more a year would be better!
We were short by one the number of reflectors we needed for the controls, so
I decided to let the "GO" control be the one that didn't have a reflector,
seeing as how that was in an open field. You wouldn't believe how many people
commented on the lack of reflector for that control, that they had some trouble
finding it since they were mentally tuned in to looking for the reflector
shining back at them! Guess that is an indicator that reflectors DO work in
increasing the visibility of controls at night!
Dick Detwiler, meet director
Flag placement: Laurie Hunt and Dick Detwiler
Registration: Carol Moran, Anne and Paul Schwartz
Shelter "clean-up": Eric Barbehenn
Control pick-up: Laurie Hunt
Refreshments: Cheryl Detwiler
1 Perette Barella (without a flashlight!) 33:50
2 Russell McNear, John Phelan 34:05
3 Elizabeth Hane 44:58
4 Rick and Kay Slattery 48:20
5 Jeff Nunes, Judi Olivery 71:15
6 Frances Kessler, Lois Camphausen, Dirk Redda 74:47
7 Kathy Eisley, Peggy Deloran, Beth Naukam 84:45
8 Bert Byfield (started late, time not adjusted) 90:13
9 Mark and Cort Frey, Crystal Lopez 101:52
10 Sherry Gilchrist, Tree Clemonds 116:42
1 Pavel Korniliev 32:17
2 Rob Holmes 33:29
3 Eric Barbehenn 39:50
4 Michael Lyons 42:15
5 Benjamin Bundy 42:25
6 Bob Bundy 42:25
7 Stina Bridgeman 43:30
8 Joel Shore 52:08
9 Larry and Jenna Colquitt 55:02
10 Lincoln Blaisdell 58:58
11 Jackie Novkov 58:58
12 Ravi Naroppa, Divya Beren 60:24
13 Keith Schnable and Marie Heerkens 60:26
14 Michael Finear, Liz Grandi 62:44
15 Ekaterina Kuksenkova, Dmitri Kuksenkov 65:29
16 Paul and Anne Schwartz 69:10
17 Joe and Paula Seyfried 75:16
18 Kim Phillips, Mary Williams, Peter Williams 81:57
19 Michael, Maureen, Joseph, Angela, and
Brendan Gallagher 83:44
20 Jack and Hazel Finear 84:33
21 Jack Wallenhorst 107:34
22 Bob Williams, Gloria Fongine, Barb Marsh 109:33
23 Louise Cook and Yaromyr Pryjmak Overtime