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June 5, 2010. Oatka Creek Park.
Oatka Creek Park
June 5, 2010

It was a wonderful day of orienteering with some sun, moderate temperatures, and most importantly no deluge of rain. Linda Kohn and Kim McGann set some interesting and challenging courses. The most popular course ended up being the string-O once e-punches were added to all the controls and a few extra twists such as diving under and over picnic tables. Apparently many orienteers still had plenty of energy left after running their courses, because there was fierce competition on the string-O event. Who knows maybe we have a new club series in the making.

The meet would not have been possible without many volunteers. Many thanks go out to:

Course setters: Linda Kohn & Kim McGann
Greeter: Tom Cornell
Registration: Nancy Burgey, Sandra Lomker, Patty & Jim Borden
Start/Finish & E-punch: Ravi Nareppa, Brian Thomas, Rick Lavine, Mike Meynadasy, Lindsay Worner, and Rick Worner
Food: Kim McGann, Dayle Lavine
Flag pick-up: Tyler & Zach Borden, Joel Shore, and Scott Heiligenthaler
String-O: Stephanie & Faith Reh
Results Typing: Ravi Nareppa
Volunteer coordinator: Sandra Lomker
Meet director and co-director: Rob Stevens & Steve Tylock

If you are interested in volunteering at future meets, please contact Sandra at”

Rob Stevens


   Pl   Stno Name                         YB Club                             Time 

M-Open  (6)               6.0 km  165 m   12 C    

    1      4 Stevens Rob                     ROC                           1:00:07 
    2      7 Tylock Steve                    ROC                           1:08:34 
    3     46 Pieh Erik                       ROC                           1:14:24 
    4     31 Nareppa Ravi                    ROC                           1:36:34 
    5     57 Meynadasy Mike                  ROC                           1:36:47 
    6     56 Thomas Brian                    ROC                           2:11:27 

F-Open  (2)               6.0 km  165 m   12 C    

    1      1 Worner Lindsay                  ROC                           1:14:34 
    2     47 Rennander Elspeth               ROC                           1:46:00 

M65+  (4)                 3.5 km  90 m   11 C     

    1     28 Bundy Bob                       ROC                           1:02:16 
    2     23 Lavine Rick                     ROC                           1:05:05 
    3      3 Burgey Richard                  ROC                           1:26:34 
    4     39 Cornell Tom                     ROC                           1:36:54 

F55+  (3)                 3.5 km  90 m   11 C     

    1     37 Bannister Kathy                 ROC                           1:27:24 
    2     61 Cook Louise                     ROC                           2:03:04 

           2 Nancy Burgey                    ROC                                mp 

M45+  (9)                 4.5 km  110 m   12 C    

    1     34 Detwiler Dick                   ROC                             52:44 
    2     12 Dady Peter                      ROC                             57:00 
    3     16 Zygo Larry                      ROC                           1:08:41 
    4     54 Klassen Victor                  ROC                           1:17:06 
    5     32 Shore Joel                      ROC                           1:20:39 
    6      9 Tappon Jim                      ROC                           1:22:47 
    7     44 Russell Jim                     ROC                           1:38:57 
    8     18 Kennedy Doug                    ROC                           1:42:54 
    9      8 Seyfried Joe                    ROC                           2:04:28 

F35+  (3)                 4.5 km  110 m   12 C    

    1     17 Novkov Jackie                   ROC                           1:08:43 
    2     30 Lavine Dayle                    ROC                           1:33:24 
    3      5 McGann Kim                      ROC                           1:46:39 

F-20  (1)                 4.5 km  110 m   12 C    

    1     55 Klassen Sylvia                  ROC                           1:30:08 

M-16  (1)                 3.4 km  90 m   11 C     

    1     58 Kurtz Vincent                   ROC                             59:46 

M-12  (1)                 1.7 km  50 m   11 C     

    1     49 Dobretsov Tim                   ROC                             16:32 

F-12  (2)                 1.7 km  50 m   11 C     

    1     63 Hall Maggie                     ROC                             26:13 
    2     40 Cassano Riesa                   ROC                             39:01 

Green-Rec  (2)            4.5 km  110 m   12 C    

    1     41 Cassano Vince                   ROC                             48:20 
    2     22 Tomaszewski Brian               ROC                           2:06:47 

Brown-Rec  (3)            3.5 km  90 m   11 C     

    1     15 Borden Tyler                    ROC                           1:01:15 
    2     21 Curry Jim                       ROC                           1:22:14 
    3     35 Schwartz Anne                   ROC                           1:58:48 

Orange-Rec  (9)           3.4 km  90 m   11 C     

    1     14 Borden Zack                     ROC                             53:00 
    2     26 Winslow Don                     ROC                           1:01:14 
    3     33 Robak John                      ROC                           1:03:02 
    4     19 Zygo Marilyn                    ROC                           1:09:23 
    5     50 Flanagn Eileen                  ROC                           1:15:17 
    6     43 Mortillaro Jamie                ROC                           1:17:09 
    7     53 Heiligenthaler Scott            ROC                           1:20:55 
    8     52 LaForce Anna                    ROC                           1:41:27 

          45 Fela Len                        ROC                                mp 

Yellow-Rec  (8)           2.4 km  55 m   8 C      

    1     59 Kurtz Alex                      ROC                             39:25 
    2     13 Borden Jim                      ROC                             43:55 
    3     51 Cochrane Kate                   ROC                             49:37 
    4     25 Gallagher Mike                  ROC                             51:45 
    5     42 Mortillaro Sheri                ROC                             53:25 
    6     62 Hall Heidi                      ROC                             55:39 
    7     29 Williams Bob                    ROC                           1:05:10 
    8     27 Reh Stephanie                   ROC                           1:26:34 

White-Rec  (9)            1.7 km  50 m   11 C     

    1     48 Streb Gavin                     ROC                              9:28 
    2     36 Moran Carol                     ROC                             26:54 
    3     10 Schuler Marianna                ROC                             36:17 
    4     11 Smith Jason                     ROC                             37:48 
    5     60 Lomker Sandra                   ROC                             40:43 
    6      6 Coveland Bill                   ROC                             51:40 
    7     38 Borraccia Dominic               ROC                             56:36 
    8     24 Nguyen Minh                     ROC                           1:00:02 

          20 Turinsky Anna                   ROC                                mp 

Oatka String-O

The first-ever ROC Electronic Punch String-O was held on 6/5 in conjunction with the regular meet at Oatka Creek Park. Although the heat and humidity were high this was not a factor in the results...many made several attempts to show their speed and punching prowess. Kris was the first runner and set the bar at 1 min. 8 sec. His technique, especially making the "under-the-table" punch was soon copied by all. His time was not to stand, however, and was bested by several more experienced runners but he is to be commended for having the confidence to make the first run without the benefit of prior knowledge of the course. Maggie had the top time for a white runner, finishing 4th overall. Results Disclaimer: any discrepencies were not my fault - LK

Categories: YFR - young fast runner; J - junior; OM - old men; VOM - very old men; ML - mature lady

YFR   Jason     0:53 (fastest splits #2 & #3)
YFR   Tyler     0:54 (fastest split for the under-the-table control)
YFR   Zack      0:55 (fastest split after the under-the-table control)
J     Maggie    1:01 (fastest junior)
OM    Vince     1:02
OM    Rob S.    1:02
F     Alex      1:03
F     Joelle    1:03
J     Jamie     1:04
F/OM  Erik      1:06
VOM   Jim R.    1:07
J     Kris      1:08
J     Tim       1:08
J     Riesa     1:09
OM    Steve     1:11 (stlye points for under-the-table)
VOM   Pete      1:12
OM    Joel      1:13 (fastest split on BBQ to over-the table)
ML    Stephanie 1:16 (fastest mom)
ML    Jackie    1:16
ML    Linda     1:22
ML    Anne      1:29
ML    Dayle     1:32
J     Faith     1:40 (time adjusted for shoe disruption)
J     Andrew    2:13 (walking)
Apologies to Jim T...I think your result blew away, sorry!
Thanks to Ravi and Steve for handling the E part of this event.
Thanks to Rick for his play-by-play and results management.
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