Race Info
Directions and Parking
Road signs will be posted from East River Road exit 16 on I-390 for Friday and from Mt. Morris exit 7 on I-390 for Saturday and Sunday.
Friday - Genesee Valley Park
1000 East River Road Genesee Valley Golf Course
parking lot, bus to assembly area.
43°06'48.6"N 77°39'02.9"W [-Map-]
Saturday and Sunday - Letchworth State Park
Portageville park entrance at Portage Street Rt 463
and Portageville Road to Parade Grounds Shelter.
42°35'00.8"N 78°01'54.6"W [-Map-]
Event Info
There will be bathrooms at the assembly areas each day. At the Middle and Long events there will only be two
portable bathrooms near the start. Plan to use the bathrooms in the assembly area before heading out to your
There will be clothing returns from the start provided each day.
GPS devices of any kind with visible display screens are prohibited for all WRE runners.
Orienteering games and a picnic will be offered on Saturday afternoon after the day of competition so that people
have a chance to socialize and have some fun before going back to their hotels, campsites and cabins for the
Picnic Ticket: $5. Proceeds will be donated to the US Teams. If you didn't preregister for a ticket for the Saturday picnic you may buy one at registration while supplies last.
There are a limited number of showers and bathrooms available in cabin area D if you are catching a plane home
on Sunday night.
There will be water on the courses as per OUSA and IOF rules. Water will be available at the start and finish each
day. Water will be at marked locations between controls or at control points as indicated on the maps.
Race Info
There will be three stages. When the clock at the pre-start displays the start time on your bib you will step up to
the line. Your competitor and SI numbers will be checked and you will be admitted into the start chute. You will
CLEAR and CHECK your SI stick in the first stage of the chute and then go to the CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS
table in the second stage. In the last stage you will receive your map. Please write your competitor number or
name on the back. You may ask an attendant to look at your map and identify the course, but you may not look at
your map. On the final beep you will punch the start box and run to the start triangle flag. There will be NO punch
on this flag. If you are late to your start or need to change your start time please go directly to the Start Director on
the right hand side of the chute. WRE competitors must start at their assigned times and will not be given a new
start time if they arrive late. There will be a separate chute on the left hand side for WRE competitors at the Long
and Middle events.
If you have a course complaint you should first contact the meet director, Rick Worner within 15 minutes of course
closing. If a jury is needed the members of the jury will be Jeff Saeger, Janet Tryson and Mary Jo Childs.
Sprint 60 min
Long 180 min
Middle 120 min